Grooms Party

Jack Harrison

Jack is Emma’s brother and let’s just say it can become very confusing when both Jack’s are in the same room. So we can be sure that it will be interesting on the wedding day.
Since moving into the same house both Jack’s have shared a love of online gaming and winding Emma up. They can both be found playing Cards Against Humanity, creating offensive yet funny jokes and whilst hysterically laughing at themselves.
Jack feels so lucky to have gained a brother in Jack and is lucky to have him by his side when he marries Jack’s sister.

What will Jack be drinking to celebrate Emma and Jack’s Marriage?
Sam Smith's.

What song will we see Jack dancing to on the dance floor to celebrate with the happy couple?
Roundabout or Tempus Fugit by Yes.

Craig Ramsden

Craig and Jack met due to Emma and Rebecca’s friendship. The two have shared many experiences together including their fair share of shows together. Fortunately for everyone the two of them are always backstage however they do think they are the real stars of the show.
There have been many laughs between the two of them including trying to put a 8 man tent up together in the Isle of Wight which was later named ‘Love Dome’. You can also be sure that when the two of them are together there are some funny smells going on and you can be sure that was made worse in the ‘Love Dome’. Hopefully they will both tone those smells down in time for the wedding day and get a chance to shine in their roles on the wedding day.
Jack is so lucky to have Craig stand by his side when Jack marries Emma.

What will Craig be drinking to celebrate Emma and Jack’s Marriage?
Jack Daniel’s.

What song will we see Craig dancing to on the dance floor to celebrate with the happy couple?
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak.

Matthew Jackson

Matty and Jack met at the rehearsals for one of Emma’s shows. Since then the two of them have become absolutely inseparable as they really are the true loves of each others lives.
It will definitely be a heartbreak for them both when they loose each other on the wedding day. Its always best to make sure the two of them are not left alone as there is a guarantee that something will happen.
Whether that be stealing beer glasses or racing cars round a car park together it’s a recipe for disaster. We’re hoping that with plenty of supervision from the other boys that the two of them can behave on the wedding day.
If you’re lucky we may be to hear their duets of Golden Slumbers or I Want It That Way.

What will Matty be drinking to celebrate Emma and Jack’s Marriage?
Blue raspberry Au vodka & lemonade.

What song will we see Matty dancing to on the dance floor to celebrate with the happy couple?
Slide Away by Oasis.

Levi John Ramsden

Emma is lucky enough to call this incredible little boy her Godson. Auntie Memma and Poo Jack have been so lucky to see his beautiful boy grown up into the funniest dude. We’ve shared some amazing memories together including, all of his birthday parties, the first time he walked, holidays to the Isle of Wight and his very first experience of buying all his own Christmas presents for his family (and a few for himself).
When Levi was asked to be Emma and Jacks’s Ring Bearer it was one of the most incredible days, he received his own box and rings to practice with and has not stopped practicing since, he’s that committed to his role.
Levi will certainly by the life and sole of the party telling everyone to put down their Mucky Beer and get on the dance floor.

What will Levi be drinking because he’s exhausted from all of the dancing?
Fruit shoot.

What song will we see Levi dancing too on the Dance Floor to celebrate with Auntie Memma and Poo Jack?
From Paris to Berlin.

Buddy Bob Harrison Stephens

Goes by Bob, Boble, B Bob’s, Grumpy, Fluffy, Noodles, Best Boy and Best friends favourite.
He never looks particularly pleased but all that has to be said about Buddy Bob is that he is the most loving dog anyone could ask for.
The day Jack proposed to Emma he was on his best behaviour and was the most perfect addition to the proposal. He really has been Emma and Jack’s lifeline at times and an unexpected post lockdown surprise but they wouldn’t change him for the world.
If you see him on Emma and Jack’s big day ask him to perform all of his tricks including, twirly wirly, high five and lie down. If he sits at your feet please give him a treat.

What will you see Buddy Bob eating on his Mam and Dad’s Wedding Day?

What will help Buddy Bob be on his best behaviour on his Mam and Dad’s Wedding Day?
A chance to be the star!

Peanut John Harrison Stephens

Goes by P, Baby P, Pean, PJ, Puppy, Nut Nut, Ginge, Shrimpy and Mr Cuddles.
Peanut will certainly let you know of his attendance on his Mam and Dad’s big day by hearing that almighty bark for such a little dude.
Peanut was definitely a well kept secret as Emma and Jack knew they were getting Peanut for over 2 months before they told anyone about him. He came home and was instantly a little firecracker who adores his brother.
Peanut will be absolutely glued to Buddy Bob’s side no matter where he is however he will never say no to a cuddle and you’ll definitely get a few kisses back.
If you see him on Emma and Jack’s big day ask him to perform all of his tricks including, sit, paw and kisses. If he sits at your feet please give him a treat.

What will you see Peanut John eating on his Mam and Dad’s Wedding Day?

What will help Peanut John be on his best behaviour on his Mam and Dad’s Wedding Day?
Lots of cuddles!